Refusal Cases and Appeal Service
- Have you been refused in Canada or overseas?
- Are you a Refused to Visit or Study in Canada?
- Do you believe you have received an unfair decision?
- Have you been refused permanent or work permit entry to Canada?
- Citizenship Refusal?
- PR Card Refusal?
- Marriage Sponsorship Case Refusal?
We represent several clients every year at the Immigration Appeal Division, the Immigration Division and the Refugee Protection Division. At Service Links Canada office, we pride ourselves on being one of the leading Immigration firms that deal with refusals and litigation. We represent individuals and families dealing with all refusals including family class, TRV, permanent residency cases, citizenship and refugee matters.
We can also help you to know what is happening to your immigration / temporary residence file by obtaining CAPIS/GCMS/FOSS notes from Citizenship and Immigration Canada. If your case is refused or getting delayed the reasons behind can be found out and corrective action taken.
CAIPS:(Computer Assisted Immigration Processing System)/ GCMS:(Global Case Management System) It is the computer system used by Citizenship and Immigration Canada office for application processing outside Canada. Information is entered in the system from application forms and supporting documentation submitted by applicants for immigrant and visitor visas, returning residence permits and student and employment authorizations.
FOSS: (Field Operations Support System) The FOSS database is a central repository of information on all persons who have been, may be or are wanted to be seen by Immigration staff. FOSS is the main operational support system for immigration operations in Canada. The system is comprised of numerous components including query functions, status entry, document creation, refugee monitoring, case processing support, medical profiles, registry functions, client name and address, statistical functions, airport primary inspection line functions, access and security, appeals and litigation, quality assurance and records maintenance.
We can access CAIPS, FOSS and GCMS files for all visa offices around the world, including and visa offices in Thailand and Singapore. All CAIPS requests are processed through a IRCC department in Ottawa, Canada. Normally processing time to access file is for 4-5 weeks.
We have professional staff that speak English, Thai and Vietnamese, and can guide you for all your immigration appeal and litigation needs.
If you have been declined by IRCC Office for any type of visa, please call at Canada office +1 604-944-7912 or Thailand Office: +66 2-003-1450 / +66 801543000 or Send a scan copy of your refusal letter, copy of passport by email at or Fax at our office in: +1 604-944-7913 / +1 604-229-2951
Upon receipt of that, our office will send you the necessary IMM forms to sign to go further regards to obtaining an IRCC file and resubmission or appeal process.